Everyone has their favorite little bar to go to. Something about the charm of certain places appeal to different people. Personally, I like a bar with a clever name and sign out front. I don’t know what it is about it, but would much rather go into bars with hilarious bar names than a place that screams “no creativity” out front.
However, sometimes trying to be clever can be taken way to far. The owners of these bars really didn’t think some of them through. Others are just plain puzzling, or maybe even have a secret meaning unknown but to a few people. All I know is, I’m glad these photos of bars from Britain were snapped so we can enjoy the hilarity.
1. Bung Hole: Take a step inside this dark smelly bar.
2. The Dirty Duck: Come and wet your beak at this watering hole.
3. Ape & Apple: I usually picture an ape with a banana.
4. The Famous Cock Tavern: Whoever named this place thought pretty highly of themselves, don’t ya think?
5. The Tumble Down Dick Hotel: I don’t know if I could bring myself to go into this one.
6. The Case Is Altered: Hopefully not the cases of beer.
7. The Old Thirteenth Cheshire Astley Volunteer Rifleman Corps Inn: Say that five times fast.
8. Dirty Dicks: I find it hard to believe they get too many customers.
9. Ye Olde Fighting Cocks
10. The Goat & Tricycle: If this place has a goat actually riding a tricycle, then I am so there.
11. Fanny On The Hill: Apparently this bar is in England….

13. The Legend Of Oily Johnnies: Apparently these people grew up with some very different stories than I did growing up.
14. The Nobody Inn: Hopefully they didn’t name it after the fact that nobody ever comes.
15. The Cat & Custard Pot Inn: Don’t they know black cats are bad luck?
16. The Hairy Lemon: 1 served with every meal!
17. The Quiet Woman: This seems a tad bit sexist to me.
18. My Father’s Moustache: If only my dad could grow a mustache like that…
19. The Bucket Of Blood: So apparently murders are a regular thing at this bar… I think I’ll pass.
20. I Am The Only Running Footman: This man needs a drink, and he needs it now!
21. The Hung, Drawn And Quartered: Getting into this bar must be torture.
22. Cock & Hoop: This sounds like a really awful game that I don’t want to play.
23. The Drunken Duck: Any place with drunk animals sounds like a pretty crazy time.
I was pretty astonished that the owners of some of these bars didn’t realize how funny their own business names were. Some of these are just so obvious that I wonder how they were even allowed to name their bar that at all. All in all however, they made for some great photos and a lot of laughs. Let’s just hope these places stay open for a long time so even more people can enjoy them. I may have to start crossing some off list.